I sat down today, my mind agape to the wonders of the human brain, and thought for a moment. Dreams are such a weird thing. Bare with me. Just to think that your subconscious comes alive whilst you sleep and projects and combination of reality and thoughts at your concious is so weird... like so so weird.
I don't really know what dreams are for the moment. But to think how incredible they can be. For example, the story of Joseph and the incredible dreams he had. He not only translated his own dreams but translated others! That would be so cool! I'm not sure what he would come out with if I told him mine. My dreams are sometimes so surreal even I can't bare it! I think that sometimes God gives us dreams to send his messages across - another very creative way...he has a thing for creative ways to get messages across. But I like that though. He gives messages through people, places, dreams, talents and even paintings. My mind cannot even begin to describe how incredible he is! Alas....I shall be very tired this week - 5:30 tomorrow for paper-round - and with that I say... adieu.
Welcome to The_Cavy. Testimonials on my life. What's new in the Gaming and Art world - not to mention poetry, music and Animation!

Cavy: The Peruvian term for Guinea PIg
Sunday, 30 October 2011
Saturday, 29 October 2011
Profound Dentistry!
I HATE the dentists. Dentistry has always been a fear of mine since some NASTY root canal work on my front tooth. I sat in the overly cleaned chair and trembled as it slowly lowered my head. I closed my eyes...and opened my mouth. It seemed that most of what I feared had indeed, come true. I have 6 cavities, 2 of which have to be filled in 3 Months time. Alas! How I dread this day as it rapidly hurtles itself towards me. My intense snacking and grazing throughout the day has caused this.
So....Starting from this moment I will be setting up a 'mini project' if you will. I will cut down on as much sugar as possible, stop snacking in between meals - and enlighten myself with a shiny apple instead of a Frijj Chocolate Brownie Milkshake....I will update posts within the future to let you know how I'm doing.
Whatever you do can definitely reap its consequences...something to think about.
Happy Eating!
So....Starting from this moment I will be setting up a 'mini project' if you will. I will cut down on as much sugar as possible, stop snacking in between meals - and enlighten myself with a shiny apple instead of a Frijj Chocolate Brownie Milkshake....I will update posts within the future to let you know how I'm doing.
Whatever you do can definitely reap its consequences...something to think about.
Happy Eating!
Friday, 28 October 2011

Thursday, 27 October 2011
Provoking Your Inner Creativity
We all have creativity, whether we like it or not it's there. Once harnessed, creativity can unleash a power that effects generation after generation. Take music for example, the mainstream Pop we have today is due to the history of British music - you didn't think it would come out of nowhere - did you?
Your creativity is you. It is physically forming matter that comes from within, through emotion and experience. You may sit and think - NO, I'm just not the creative type. This isn't true. We all find ways to pour our emotion into the things we love, but creativity is not just the stereotypical 'arty' things you see in day to day life.If you own a business, it takes that creativity for new ideas, for new plans, for the business itself to move on. Just like anything it takes practice! You cannot merely wake up one day and form a masterpiece. You need to equip yourself to do so am I right? At the age of 11-12 I went through some incredibly rough patches at school - therefore I withdrew from life into myself. Now I DO NOT suggest this at all. It caused mass destruction socially and almost obliterated my self-confidence. However, on the flip side, I got all my emotion out through art, music and literature - constantly working on small projects such as game design and programming. This is one of the reasons this comes so naturally to me.
I am definitely an introvert. It is calculated that only 25% of the population are introverts. Being around people wears me down and I need my 'cave time' or the crankyness will begin to unveil itself to you. This is not all positive but does reap its benefits. Whilst you may be talking with friends, and going out to parties, I will sit and work on other things including my creativity. Now I have always struggled socially, and in the past I have had to go out of my way to work on my social life. I realise now that it's having people around you, to encourage you - that's the key to push through, a lesson I have well learnt these past few years. So...in conclusion, it's finding that BALANCE between your social life and your inner self, that is key.
So...yeh. Be creative!
Your creativity is you. It is physically forming matter that comes from within, through emotion and experience. You may sit and think - NO, I'm just not the creative type. This isn't true. We all find ways to pour our emotion into the things we love, but creativity is not just the stereotypical 'arty' things you see in day to day life.If you own a business, it takes that creativity for new ideas, for new plans, for the business itself to move on. Just like anything it takes practice! You cannot merely wake up one day and form a masterpiece. You need to equip yourself to do so am I right? At the age of 11-12 I went through some incredibly rough patches at school - therefore I withdrew from life into myself. Now I DO NOT suggest this at all. It caused mass destruction socially and almost obliterated my self-confidence. However, on the flip side, I got all my emotion out through art, music and literature - constantly working on small projects such as game design and programming. This is one of the reasons this comes so naturally to me.
I am definitely an introvert. It is calculated that only 25% of the population are introverts. Being around people wears me down and I need my 'cave time' or the crankyness will begin to unveil itself to you. This is not all positive but does reap its benefits. Whilst you may be talking with friends, and going out to parties, I will sit and work on other things including my creativity. Now I have always struggled socially, and in the past I have had to go out of my way to work on my social life. I realise now that it's having people around you, to encourage you - that's the key to push through, a lesson I have well learnt these past few years. So...in conclusion, it's finding that BALANCE between your social life and your inner self, that is key.
So...yeh. Be creative!
Hello There!
Hello there!
I don't really know where to start. Let's start with a name, yes, I like that. I'm Joseph Pattison and I live within the realms of Britain somewhere in the Southeast nesting quietly in the village of Bearsted. I started this blog to unleash my creativity onto various pages - which isn't as easy as you think. I will TRY my hardest to commit and post at least twice a week. May you have a fine week! Check back soon for more posts!
I don't really know where to start. Let's start with a name, yes, I like that. I'm Joseph Pattison and I live within the realms of Britain somewhere in the Southeast nesting quietly in the village of Bearsted. I started this blog to unleash my creativity onto various pages - which isn't as easy as you think. I will TRY my hardest to commit and post at least twice a week. May you have a fine week! Check back soon for more posts!
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